What Happened with FoxBet & PokerStars’ Outage: Recap of Events

Intial FoxBet & PokerStars Outage
At just after 5:00p.m. ET on Friday, PokerStarsUSA took to Twitter to address the issues that players were evidently having with accessing their bets on their site. “Due to unscheduled maintenance, all MTT’s have been canceled until Monday at 10am EST. Our apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience,” they wrote.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, Feb. 6, Fox Bet Care, the customer service department of Fox Bet Sportsbook tweeted: “Our sites are currently down due to an unscheduled maintenance issue and our tech team is working hard to get all backup and running ASAP. Customers across all verticals (FOX Bet Sportsbook, PokerStars & Stars Casino) can still manage their accounts. We do not anticipate any impacts to customer account balances – this is not a data breach. We thank customers for their patience and apologize for this inconvenience.”
Both of these Tweets were met with questions about the security and safety of their money in their account as well as criticism for the vague explanation of the issues at hand.
One user on Twitter wrote in response to PokerStarUSA’s initial tweet, “IMO (in my opinion) you guys have to be a bit more transparent than this. Will cash games be available? Will withdrawals/deposits be available? Why did this happen? I’m not gonna trash or talk down but I think the players deserve an explanation further than this.”
While there is no good time for said “unscheduled maintenance” to happen on such a popular website, this timing certainly wasn’t ideal. All of the states affected by the internet outages also happen to be states that are typically met with wicked winters; this week they happen to be approaching sub-freezing temperatures. So the criticism was likely heightened due to the influx of cold people stuck inside on their technology.
Sites Go Back Up
Per PokerStarsUSA’s Twitter on Feb.9, “as of noon today, when MTT’s came back online in NJ, all of our games in all three states are back up and running normally.”
With Super Bowl Sunday this week and Sunday being the most popular day of the week for PokerStars users to bet already, the timing seems to have worked out to punch lots of tickets for the big game. Hopefully, they can make up for the disappointments of this last week.